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WIFI HACK | The software can break any password

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The world we live now is a comprehensive package of technology and its successor, the Internet. Origin of the internet has brought the whole world under one’s eye. The internet is everything now, and one needs to pay for it, though. Worthy things never come for free at times. But the internet can be made accessible for free sometimes. One way of using the free internet is using the unencrypted Wifi network obtainable in the nearby location such as in cafe, railway station and other public places. Know here how to Hack Wifi Password Online.

The other technique is by using the secured and encrypted Wifi internet access. The name encryption denotes the protection given to the Wifi network regarding username and a password. No issues when both the username and password is identified. What if you don’t have any of the things? No concerns. Hack the Wifi network with password hacking software.

WiFi Password Hacker Online Software 2018:


Password Hacker Online

Of course, this article would deal eventually about the hacking. One could totally enjoy the internet without paying a single buck with Wifi password hacking software for PCs. It is assured you have the internet connection in the form of encrypted Wifi and not able to utilize the Internet over that network. The problem sensed in using the encrypted Wifi network is the password. Only the genuine user knows the password of that particular system such that providing security from unauthorized user access to that network. Technology always offers a solution for any problem and for here with hacking.

Definition of Hacking

Hacking is the key to use the internet for free from the secured network. i.e., an unauthorized process that abolishes the security of any wireless local area network, Wifi. The person involved in the hacking movement is called as a hacker. Any Wifi network can be easily hacked with two points that include weak encryption and configuration.

If the configuration of that specific network is weak, then that network can be easily hacked. Poor configuration transpires as a result of the network admin’s irresponsibility in not providing a stronger password without the security settings and the use of default configuration. Encryption issues comprise the security keys used to protect the network such as WEP and WPA.

WiFi Password Hacker Online – Wireless Network Encryption:


Any hacking process desires to cross the boundary of network encryption to use the internet for free. Encryption is nothing but the password given to the system to defend the illegal internet usage. The password must be hacked or cracked (i.e. password must be found out) which is the first necessity of the hacking. However, numerous frames have to be crossed before finding the password. Encryption falls under three classifications WEP, WPA and WPA2.

Any system can be protected with any of the authentications or encryption approaches. They differ concerning how strong the encryption wall is.

1. Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP)

WEP is the encryption standard accessible for the wireless network protection initially. Intended for IEEE 802.11 WLAN. Any network with WEP security can be hacked effortlessly within few minutes with the correct configuration. It is the weakest form of authentication or encryption delivered for a wireless network. WEP works by encrypting the data conveyed over the network.

2. Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA)

Due to the great errors and vulnerabilities in WEP made the system user opt for WPA. In this technique, security is high. But if the password falls diminutive, then hacking is easy. WPA uses pre-shared sources. Several tools are available for hacking.

3. Wi-Fi Protected Access2 (WPA2)

WPA2 got established due to the vulnerabilities in WPA and to improve the security further. It is the most used encryption technique for any wireless network since indulging in hacking such system is a complex task. WPA2 with Advanced Encryption Standards (AES) makes the security tougher. It customs a pre-shared key or a passphrase. The network with WPA2 security receipts much time to be hacked. Hacking can be done at the time of packets produced from the Wifi access point.

WiFi Password Hacker Online Hacking Procedures

Hacking is neither a one step procedure nor it is simple. Any hacker necessitates an extended knowledge in hacking methods. There are many approaches and ways available for hacking a secured Wifi network. Even software’s are accessible to hack the security of the system. The list of most usually used hacking methods to hack or crack any authenticated wireless network is given.

Dictionary Attack: In this method, thousands of words with likely potentials from the dictionary will be matched to decrypt the password. Security can be hacked within little seconds if the passphrase is only alphabets.     Since it is the user prefers simple passphrase to remember.

Brute Force Attack: It is comparable to the Dictionary attack added the advantage of searching for the password from outside the dictionary. I.e. alphanumeric options. Brute force technique takes little more time to hack the password.

Rainbow Table Attack: In this method, pre-computed hash tables will be selected to check for the passphrase. Passwords get deposited in a database in any system. Another database will be produced, and the password will be found out by this method. It drafts for the commonly used passwords in both the database. When a match is found, then it is the password of that particular secured network.

Phishing: Communication through the electronic medium to get the password is Phishing. I.e. a mail or message send to the user such that requesting for their personal details to fill in for a fake website. Those websites have relations to sites with malware. It is still the most prevalent way to steal the password.

Social Engineering: It uses one individual acting for a telephone call from in the name of an unidentified person or company asking for your details. It is not only used in hacking but also for numerous purposes.

Malware:  Malware installs a key logger or screen scraper that accounts all the things you type or take screen shots and forwards a copy to the hacker.

Spidering: The passwords of most organizations would transmit to their company information that would be available on the company websites. Information taken from there will do dictionary and brute force attack.

Guess: Sometimes the user would not have altered the default password provided by the network or use some simple passwords. With a guess, security can be hacked.

WiFi Password Hacker Online Software-An Innovation


There are several methods available for hacking a secured Wifi network and some commonly used methods are stated above. All these need a deep knowledge. However, there is a substitute method available called the password hacking software tools. The password hacking software is developed solely for hacking. It is the easiest mode to hack the system’s password. The software can break any password quickly without any hassle such that permitting you to enter into any authenticated wireless network. The proficiency of the software lies in its access towards the password breaking. The password hacking software works for any kind of encryption provided for the network such as WEP, WPA or WPA2. The software is free to use after downloaded. So now anyone can use unlimited internet with hacking software with not wasting much of the time in using the hacking methods.

Key Features of WiFi Password Hacker Online Software for PC

  • The Wifi password hacker software is a free apparatus to decrypt any secure Wifi network.
  • The password hacker software is a virus free type.
  • The password hacker software works on all types of operating systems.
  • Decreases the time to crack any passphrase of the available network that requires authentication.
  • User-friendly design and interface permitting the user to hack any system without any hassle.
  • Any quantity of secured Wifi networks could be hacked with this software.
  • The software does not show your identity to the owner of the network you hacked.
  • The software does not need its user to have knowledge about ethical hacking.

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Created at 2018-11-07 18:18:19
Tags: Hack Wifi , password wifi hacked , show password hack , WiFi Hack

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